LES offers prestigious awards to deserving LES members and organizations that have significantly contributed to licensing and innovation. The awards will be presented at the LES 2024 Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA, October 20-23. Submit your nominations below.

The deadline for nominations is August 9.


Each year, each industry sector of the Licensing Executives Society (USA & Canada) recognizes an exceptional deal as the Deal of Distinction Award recipient. The award recognizes creative and innovative solutions to business issues involving licensing, intellectual property, and related transactions. For a list of past Deal of Distinction award winners, click here.

This is your opportunity to nominate a deal for the Deal of Distinction Award for your Sector. Please consider the criteria below and submit your nomination:

The nominated deal should have been announced in the past 18 months and have a significant licensing or intellectual property component.

At least one party to the deal should be an organization based in the United States or Canada.

All types of licensing and technology transfer subject matter will be considered.

However, there will be an emphasis on:

  • Creative solutions to business issues
  • Novel structures or terms and/or
  • A deal seen as a “seismic event” and signals a major change for the art of licensing or intellectual property.

(Other qualifications, such as LES membership, will be vetted by the DoD Awards Subcommittee.)


To get a taste of the exciting deals that won in 2023, visit: https://www.lesusacanada.org/blog/page/3/


The Frank Barnes Award was established in 2000 by a group of LES members to memorialize Frank Barnes’ vast contributions to the licensing field through mentoring. Each year at the LES Annual Meeting, the Frank Barnes Award is presented to an LES member who has dedicated considerable time and energy mentoring fellow licensing professionals.

Think about those who have impacted your career, and nominate them for well-deserved recognition!

Click here for information on the Frank Barnes Mentor Award and nomination requirements.

Get to know past winners in “The Mentorship Journey: LES Award-Winning Mentors Share Their Experience,” visit https://www.lesusacanada.org/the-mentorship-journey-les-award-winning-mentors-share-their-experience/

Deals of Distinction Award Nomination Form


Frank Barnes Mentor Award Nomination Form
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