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Media Coverage
Read about recent events, breaking news, and the latest from the LES community.
LES Publications
Viewpoints: the quarterly newsletter for Licensing Executives Society (U.S.A. and Canada) and is a member-only benefit containing up-to-date information on all LES activities. Members must log in to access the publication: HERE
Les Nouvelles: This leading technology transfer and licensing journal, published quarterly by License Executives Society International (LESI), includes articles on various licensing topics, upcoming LES and LES International meetings, and reports from member societies and committees. It is free for LES members; non-members of LES can subscribe to Les Nouvelles directly through LES International.
Feature Articles
Explore the latest IP trends and licensing developments using our extensive repository of articles published. See Articles
Content Submission to Share with Members
Sharing content and information is a benefit and we invite you to share articles on intellectual property, licensing, and business development and other related topics. We welcome submissions from both LES members and nonmembers on content that is relevant to our readers’ and members’ interests. Prior to submitting your article for consideration, we ask that you please review the following editorial guidelines and directions.
Royalty Rates Surveys
LES broad-reaching Royalty Rates and Deal Terms survey initiative addresses the elusive gaps in industry-specific deals and trends. Available exclusively to LES members, these surveys are useful for intellectual property negotiations.
Also available: an executive summary of the High-Tech Sector Inaugural Royalty Rate & Deal Terms Survey; results of past surveys covering Global BioPharma and Physical Sciences (formerly Chemicals, Energy, Environmental and Materials/CEEM) Royalty Rates and Deal Terms.
Public Policy and Legislation
The LES Public Policy Committee is dedicated to staying on top of the current legal and public policy issues and initiatives that affect the continually evolving business of IP commerce.
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